Sunday, December 26, 2010

New facility added 增设新设施

We have implemented a new security system recently to enhance the security in our living premises. Installing of CCTV in all the lifts in Block A and Block B is undergoing and expected to be completed soon. There will be a display monitor outside the lifts to closely monitor the security of each lift. This new facility will certainly provide more security to our residents.



  1. 对于公寓安全,灭火设备也是不容忽视的!
    关于今天(18/07/11)Block A发生小火患时,居民发现灭火筒居然是空的。请问management对于这方面有没有进行定期检查?

  2. Displaying monitor and monitoring is two diffrent aspect. Does it helps enhance the security?
    I would say yes if only SOMEONE is monitoring it.

  3. Good 'Security' and 'maintenance' are the keys to keep Permas Ville going. Recent years has see the effort from management. But I hope management can do better work to improve and maintain the place especially there are many upcoming projects. If people start to move out from Permas ville, high possibility it will become another 'Ghost Apartment' in town. I hope management aware of this and try their best to keep the place well maintain and secure.

  4. What is the point of changing the security when you people can said "all the security company is the same". Sad to notice that these new batch of security are not seen at the lobby most of the time. And saw a few at the guard house, they are so young. Are they trained security?

  5. 我是B06-05的屋主,我已不住B06-05两年了。我的地址在Kluang,一个月才回JB一次,为甚麽信件有时没寄到KLUANG,例如一月份有付加Quit Rent和Insurance,我到了management office才知有付加费,我切在二月份的管理费上,一起付上。
    但付加费的interest问题,是否你们该调整呢?这不是第一次没收到信件了,自从换了管理层后,我的account都有late payment interest chargers,我真是亚子吃黄连,有苦说不清。现在另一个问题又出现了,我在18.02.2012将支票RM354.90已投入management mail box,不过到今天09.03.2012我收到management寄来的statement内,但还出现未付,又charges我interest, 我打电话到office但account小姐不在,她们叫我星期二再打去找account, 我真的很疑惑。 请尽快给我答案。

    1. 非常抱歉,由于去年账目软件有问题,而且管理人员处理不当,造成有些居民账目出现问题。管理层已聘新财务员进行审查。您的利息已纠正。
