Sunday, December 26, 2010

2011Car Pass / 2011 年公寓汽车通行证

New year is coming! Have you renew your 2011car pass? Residents are required to renew their car sticker & access card before 15/01/2011 to be able to enter the residents car park. The present pass will expire on 15/01/11. To enjoy car park facility, one must pay up their outstanding as at date of application.

2011 年即将来临,您更新了2011汽车通行证了吗? 居民须於15/01/2011前至办公室更新汽车标签及通行证以便使用居民停车场。目前的通行证将于15/01/11到期。欲享有停车便利,居民必须在申请时缴清一切欠款。


  1. Just would like to highlight to you that access card can be easily duplicated for RM25.00.

  2. Sad to noticed that the management is more interested to collect monies from residence. Are you all really doing your job, the most important issue now is the safety of the residence, 4 break-in in two months, what had really happened?
