Saturday, December 1, 2012

New Long Range Access Card 新长程通行卡

All residents are adviced to renew their car park barriers access card from old type to new type to enable them to enter the carparks as soon as possible. The renewal period will be until 15/01/13 after which the short range reader will be disabled for use. After 15/01/13 only long range access card holders are allowed to enter the carparks.
Residents are adviced to refer to Management Office on the terms and conditions regarding application or renewal of  vehicle access card.


Resolutions adopted in the 4th AGM

To facilitate the collection of outstanding debt from the residents, two resolutions were unanimously resolved in the 4th Annual General meeting held on the 25th, Nov 2012:

Resolution 1:
the Joint Management Committee shall be authorized, on behalf of the Joint Management Body of Permas Ville to institute legal proceedings and make all necessary applications therein, without any restrictions imposed, against the owners of Permas Ville Apartment to collect the outstanding maintenance and management charges and / or sinking fund due and payable by the Owners on the parcels held by the Owners to the JMB of Permas Ville.

Resolution 2:
That the Members of the Joint Management Committee be indemnified by the JMB Permas Ville from and against all costs, charges, losses, expenses and liabilities incurred or sustained by the Members Of Joint  Management Committee in the execution and discharge of the duties in relation thereto.

The management seek cooperation from owners to pay the outstanding maintenance & other charges promptly as the payment is vital for the upkeep of facilities of the apartments.