Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Flea market 跳蚤市场

The Management has organised the first ever flea market in Permas Ville Apartments on Sunday 30 June. This event attracted total 14 residents to participate and concluded successfully. Many residents were showing great support by shopping around the stalls and picking up the items that offered attractive prices.
Various items (old and new) such as clothing, shoes, frozen foods, flowers, reference books, cosmetics, healthcare products, toiletry, IT products, etc. were sold at the flea market.
The management will continue to organise such event in future to foster better community living in our premises.



Sunday, June 30, 2013

Security Enhancement 提升保安措施

The Management is stepping up security measure at main entrance by controlling the non-residents who walk into the premises freely without registration at guard post. Metal gates have been installed at guardhouse and thumb print machine will be installed soon to allow registered Permas Ville residents only to enter into the apartments. Non-residents are required to register at guardhouse before they are allowed for entry. Hope this new measure will be able to improve the security of our premises.


Saturday, December 1, 2012

New Long Range Access Card 新长程通行卡

All residents are adviced to renew their car park barriers access card from old type to new type to enable them to enter the carparks as soon as possible. The renewal period will be until 15/01/13 after which the short range reader will be disabled for use. After 15/01/13 only long range access card holders are allowed to enter the carparks.
Residents are adviced to refer to Management Office on the terms and conditions regarding application or renewal of  vehicle access card.


Resolutions adopted in the 4th AGM

To facilitate the collection of outstanding debt from the residents, two resolutions were unanimously resolved in the 4th Annual General meeting held on the 25th, Nov 2012:

Resolution 1:
the Joint Management Committee shall be authorized, on behalf of the Joint Management Body of Permas Ville to institute legal proceedings and make all necessary applications therein, without any restrictions imposed, against the owners of Permas Ville Apartment to collect the outstanding maintenance and management charges and / or sinking fund due and payable by the Owners on the parcels held by the Owners to the JMB of Permas Ville.

Resolution 2:
That the Members of the Joint Management Committee be indemnified by the JMB Permas Ville from and against all costs, charges, losses, expenses and liabilities incurred or sustained by the Members Of Joint  Management Committee in the execution and discharge of the duties in relation thereto.

The management seek cooperation from owners to pay the outstanding maintenance & other charges promptly as the payment is vital for the upkeep of facilities of the apartments. 

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

4th Annual General Meeting 第四届常年大会

Date:  25th, November, 2012
Time:    2.30pm (Registration)
             3.00pm Meeting
Venue:   Permas Ville Meeting hall

Light refreshment will be provided.
Please bring along I/C for registration.

Brighter Compound Now 更光亮的环境

The residents of Permas Ville can ease their worries of walking in the low lighted compound now. The Management has been working on the upgrading of compound lighting ever since the feedback from residents on the insufficient brightness in the compound during night time. Finally the upgrading project has been completed with total of 32 extra lamp posts being installed in the carpark compound. Residents can take a comfortably walk at the greenery compound during night time without worry now.

PermasVille 的居民可以忘却在昏暗环境中行走的顾虑了。自居民回馈公寓环境的光线在夜间不足以来,管理层经积极处理提升路灯工程。最后提升工程终于完毕。新的32支灯柱已安装在公寓停车场。居民现在可以在晚间放心在青葱环境中享有舒适    

New Auto Gate System 新自动闸门系统

1.         New long range readers have been installed at main gate and carpark at Block A & B and ready for use effective 12/11/12.
2.      The resident lane & visitor lane at guardhouse will be swapped. An extra lane at main exit will be used for resident to exit the apartment. All residents with valid access card are to use left (outer) lane to enter or exit apartment.
3.     Residents do not need to manually scan their access card or wind down their window to scan their cards in order to enter or exit barrier gates. They just need to attach their access card onto the windscreen (resident may purchase a card holder from management office for storage of card). When your car is entering the car detecting region, the card reader will read your access card. If your card is valid, the barrier arm will open to allow your car to go through.
4.    Visitor or car without access card need to use the visitor lane (beside guard house), proceed for registration and allow to enter if proper procedures are followed.
The management hope the new system can provide better service to the residents and enhance the security of our apartment.

1.    新安装长距离读卡器(安装於保安室进出口和A,B座停车场闸门)将於12/11/12正式使用。
2.    保安室人口处的居民通道将与访客通道对调,出口处将新增居民专用通道。往后拥有通行卡居民出入公寓时将只使用左边通道出入。
3.    新系统使用长距离读卡器,居民无需手持通行卡向读卡器扫描。也不需挍下车镜。只需将通行卡固定在大镜上(可向管理层购买护套安装在镜上),当车子进入读卡器扫描范围内时,读卡器将会自动扫描您的通行卡。如您的通行卡是有效的,闸门将会打开让您的车子通过。这将让您快速及方便通关。
4.    访客或没有通行卡的车主必须使用右边(靠近保安室)通道,进行登记,符合公寓条例者才可进入公寓。

Sunday, November 11, 2012



拍打拉筋健康操- 每日早晨六时四十五分至七十四十五分。地点:泳池旁。




Monday, September 3, 2012

A gentle reminder 温馨提示

Strata Title 分层地契                                    (posted on Nov 2010)

The developer Permas Jaya Sdn Bhd had issued a letter to all residents of Permas Ville regarding the issuance of Strata Title by the land authority on the 01/10/09 and urge all to liaise with their respective solicitor to attend to the transfer within twelve months from the date 01/10/09. Failing which, pursuant to Section 40A of Strata Title Act, the purchaser shall be guilty of an offence and liable on conviction to a fine of not less than RM1,000 and not more than RM10,000.
For those who have yet to execute the transfer, kindly do so without further delay. For those who have completed the transfer and obtained the copy of their strata title, kindly forward a copy to the Permas Ville Management Office for the updating  of the database. This is an important requirement for the formation of new Management Corporation in near future.
Any enquiry, do not hesitate to contact management office during office hour.

百万镇发展商经於01/10/09向各居民发出通知,土地局已发出分层地契并要求居民向各自律师提出处理地契转名手续。如没於12个月内处理完成转名手 续,依据分层地契条例章节40A,屋主将触犯条例,经证实罪行将面对不少于RM1000及不超过RM10000罚款。

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Gym room 健身室

The management has installed a biometric reader at the entrance of gym room to replace the access card reader recently. Registered users can use their finger prints to access into the gym room. This measure is taken to ensure only residents are allowed to enjoy the facility. Residents who intend to use the facility can apply and enroll their finger print at the management office during office hours. The gym room is open from 6.00am to 10.00pm.


New security company 新保安公司

Effective 1st Sept. a new security company Tiara Force Security Services is employed to take over previous security company K. Perwira Services. The change is due to unsatisfactory performance provided by K.Perwira Services for the past six months.
The management will always ensure security is of utmost priority in our premises and strive our best to ensure the new security company meet our expectation in due course.

自九月一日起,管理层聘请新的保安公司Tiara Force Services以取代旧的保安公司K.Perwira Services. 更换是由于旧的保安在过去六个并不能提供满意的表现.

Friday, August 17, 2012

New auto gate system 新自动闸门

The JMB committee has unanimously agreed to upgrade the present auto gate system at main entrance (guard house) as well as auto gate at residents' carpark.
The present visitor lane at main entrance will be swapped with the resident lane to facilitate the traffic movement. Long range (about 10m) readers will be installed at main entrance and exit. An extra lane for resident will also be built at the main exit such that there will be two lanes each at entrance & exit. Long range reader will also be installed at the auto gate at both residents' carpark. The long range reader will enable drivers to access the auto gate without winding down the car window and improve the traffic flow. The upgrade is expected to be completed within two months time.
Following this upgrading work, other security features will be installed in stages to enhance the whole security system. These will include visitor registration system (IC scanning, keyphone system etc), motorcycle and pedestrian control system and visitor carpark auto gate control system, etc.


Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Credit card payment 信用卡付款

Effective July 2012, credit card payment is accepted for payment of all charges at management office. This facility is introduced to benefit residents in payment without carrying excessive cash in hand and also reduce cash transaction in management office. No additional charges for all payments by credit card.
Now you may pay your maintenance fee, water charge and other fees by any of the following methods: 
  1. Cash payment: Make cash payment at the Management Office.
  2. Cheque payment: Cheque should be made payable to “JMB-Permas Ville” at the Management Office or send to Permas Ville address. Please write your unit no, payment detail and contact no at the back of cheque.
  3. Credit Card payment: Use your credit card (Visa/Master) to make payment at Management Office;
  4. Online payment : Make online payment via Public bank Internet banking or Interbank Giro or Auto Teller Machine (ATM) to our account no. Send a copy of your payment detail to the Management office by email or fax after you have made the payment.  
  1. 现金: 在办公室以现金支付您的账单;
  2. 支票: 在办公室以支票支付您的账单或将支票寄至办公室。 请於支票背面注明您的单位,支付款项及联络号码;
  3. 信用卡: 以您的信用卡(VISA/MASTER)支付您的账单;
  4. 在线付款: 您可以通过大众银行或其他银行进行网上银行过账以支付账单。您也可以通过提款机(ATM)进行转账。请於付款后将付款详情以Email或传真至办公室。

Monday, July 2, 2012

Auto gate system upgrade 提升自动闸门

The management has upgraded the auto gate system by installing several security features in it recently.
1) The auto gate controllers were replaced by new, better quality & more reliable type. Due to design and quality of the old type of controller, we were always encountered the problem of auto gate down after lightning strike. The new system has proven to be good since installed.
2) A red display light is installed at the auto gate to enable the drivers to make sure their car is within the loop detector area before they scan their access card.
3) A buzzer is installed at the auto gate to alert the drivers when they use their access card to scan the card reader. The buzzer will sound if the driver is using invalid card to scan the reader.
The management will continue to improve the security system for the betterment of Permas Ville.

1) 旧的自动闸门控制器已被更换至新的,品质更好更耐的控制器。由于设计及品质原因,旧的控制器时常因打雷而损坏。新的控制器自安装以来证实更好。
2) 在自动闸门安装一个红色显示灯以让司机确保他的车辆停在感应器范围内。
3)  在自动闸门安装一个警铃以让司机确保他所使用的通行卡是有效的。当警铃响起时,表示司机所使用的通行卡是无效的。

Friday, June 15, 2012

New management team 新管理层

With effect from 15-05-12, a new management team lead by Mr Ong Tze Tong was employed to replace the existing management agent, Jahiharta Urusan Sdn Bhd. Mr Ong has more than 10 years of experience in the property management and earns good reputation in this field. He was a logistic manager in a public listed company before his endeavor in the field of property management. He is leading a strong team of management staffs to provide a better quality of services to the residents of Permas Ville. 
On-behalf of the residents of Permas Ville, the council members of Joint Management Body of Permas Ville extend a warmest welcome to the new management team. Let's make our residence Safe, Peaceful & Pleasant to live in.

自五月十五日起,一个由Mr Ong Tze Tong领导的新管理层被聘请以取代目前的管理公司,Jadiharta Urusan Sdn Bhd. Mr Ong拥有超过十年的产业管理经验并在此领域享有良好的声誉。在进入此行业前,Mr Ong曾经在某挂牌公司担任物流经理。由他领导的管理团队将为Permas Ville 居民提供更优质的服务。
Permas Ville 联合管理委员会全体委员仅代表全体居民至诚欢迎新的管理层。让我们共同打造一个安全,宁静及舒适的居住环境。

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

东部疏散大道通车 (摘录自南洋网)

耗时4年建造 衔接南北大道 东部疏散大道通车

 2012-04-02 12:32

(新山1日讯)耗时4年建造、衔接南北大道的东部疏散大道(EDL)终于在今日正式通车! 大马大道局(LLM)是今日凌晨1201分起,正式开放耗资12亿7000万令吉的东部疏散大道。 为了庆祝大道通车,大马大道局南区主任哈雅蒂与承建商马资源(MRCB)公司代表特地前往该处见证大道通车情况,并准备小礼物,赠送给首20名使用该大道的驾驶人士。
对新关卡入口不知情 停车询问引发车龙
民众若留意大道旁的告示牌,当局已经有置放东疏大道热线号码提醒驾驶人士:07-3330 1000
莫泽浩:解决不足 大道局将继续跟进
这项由马资源(MRCB)子公司MRCB Lingkaran Selatan私人有限公司耗资约10亿令吉承建,且拥有双向三车道的大道工程,设有闭路电视、交通监视及控制系统、交通资讯系统、强照明灯等设施。


Sunday, June 10, 2012

Some upgrading projects & new facilities in 2011

2011 年进行的一些提升工程及新设施

Several new & upgrading projects were carried out in year 2011:
2011 年管理层进行了好几项新的和翻新工程:

1) Repainting of Block A   A座重新粉刷

An EGM was hold and approved for the repainting project on 23/04/11.  The repainting project was carried out in June & completed in December. Block A now has a completely new outlook.


2) New gym room   全新健身室

A new gym room was built beside the swimming pool. The complete glass wall facing the swimming pool enable users to enjoy the poolside scenery while excercising. Now residents are able to enjoy this new facity and build a healthier lifestyle in our premises.


3) Jacuzzi   泡泡按摩池

A jacuzzi was built beside the swimming pool for our residents to have a place for soaking, relaxation & massage.


4) Upgrading children playground  翻新儿童游乐场

The chidren playground was upgraded to a completely new outlook with more facilities added like outdoor gyms and foot massage path.


Sunday, December 26, 2010

2011Car Pass / 2011 年公寓汽车通行证

New year is coming! Have you renew your 2011car pass? Residents are required to renew their car sticker & access card before 15/01/2011 to be able to enter the residents car park. The present pass will expire on 15/01/11. To enjoy car park facility, one must pay up their outstanding as at date of application.

2011 年即将来临,您更新了2011汽车通行证了吗? 居民须於15/01/2011前至办公室更新汽车标签及通行证以便使用居民停车场。目前的通行证将于15/01/11到期。欲享有停车便利,居民必须在申请时缴清一切欠款。

New facility added 增设新设施

We have implemented a new security system recently to enhance the security in our living premises. Installing of CCTV in all the lifts in Block A and Block B is undergoing and expected to be completed soon. There will be a display monitor outside the lifts to closely monitor the security of each lift. This new facility will certainly provide more security to our residents.


Sunday, November 21, 2010


Strata Title 分层地契

The developer Permas Jaya Sdn Bhd had issued a letter to all residents of Permas Ville regarding the issuance of Strata Title by the land authority on the 01/10/09 and urge all to liaise with their respective solicitor to attend to the transfer within twelve months from the date 01/10/09. Failing which, pursuant to Section 40A of Strata Title Act, the purchaser shall be guilty of an offence and liable on conviction to a fine of not less than RM1,000 and not more than RM10,000.
For those who have yet to execute the transfer, kindly do so without further delay. For those who have completed the transfer and obtained the copy of their strata title, kindly forward a copy to the Permas Ville Management Office for the updating  of the database. This is an important requirement for the formation of new Management Corporation in near future.
Any enquiry, do not hesitate to contact management office during office hour.

Permas Ville 百万镇发展商经於01/10/09向各居民发出通知,土地局已发出分层地契并要求居民向各自律师提出处理地契转名手续。如没於12个月内处理完成转名手续,依据分层地契条例章节40A,屋主将触犯条例,经证实罪行将面对不少于RM1000及不超过RM10000罚款。

2010 September Mid-Autumn Festival 2010 九月中秋晚会

Monday, July 26, 2010

Permas Ville need you..................

Do you feel there are many areas still need to be improved in our apartments?
Do you have any idea that can help to upgrade our living place?
If you think you can help out, please come forward to the Annual General Meeting on 21-08-2010 and be part of the new committee to contribute your valuable ideas so that our apartments can be managed more efficiently.
Our apartments really need your volunteer contribution!


Saturday, July 10, 2010

2nd Annual General Meeting


                      Date  :  21-08-10
                      Time  :  6.00p.m.
                      Venue:  Poolside 

All residents are welcome to attend the AGM. Please pay all your outstanding fees to be eligible to vote in the meeting.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Engagement of new security company

With effect from 01/07/10, a new security company, Splendid Tactic Sdn Bhd has been appointed to take charge of the security in our Apartment. The management deeply regretted over the poor performance of the previous security company and will ensure new company will meet our expectation in due course.

Bulletin Issue No.2

Monday, January 25, 2010

2010....Changes for the better......Your feedbacks are most welcome.......

Changes effective 01.01.2010:

1.Security company :  Sebiro Security Services Sdn Bhd is appointed to provide security services for our apartments for year 2010. Communication problem, quality of security personnel as well  as cost incured are the main factors for the changed. We have increased the number of security guards and employ local guards to solve communication problem between residents and guards. There are bound to have problems initially and we hope new security company will bring us better services. Security is always a key issue for the JMB to take care, as our motto say: TOGETHER WE MAKE OUR RESIDENCE SAFE, PEACEFUL & PLEASANT TO LIVE IN. We will not compromise when dealing with security of our living premises.

2.New auto-barrier gate system:  We have installed new barrier gates to provide parking lots for those residents who have valid car pass. This will solve the problem of no parking lot for residents with valid car pass. This has always been a issue as many cars without valid car pass ( residents and visitors) are not abide by house rule to park at visitor car park. The management hope this new facility will provide better service to the residents and also enhance the security of the premises.

Monday, January 11, 2010

The new bulletin is out ..

Permas Ville quarterly bulletin is out! The management hope the residents can understand more on the recent developments of our apartments.